
At The Movies

Today's discovery:


A hatékonyságukat tuti a magyar közigazgatásban tanulták, mindehova tök sokan mennek, állandóan fontoskodva fel alá rohangálnak, de sose történik semmi. Csak beszélnek, meg terveznek, közben a fél várost széthordják a színesfémtolvajok a maradékot meg felrobbantják. Ha meg beszólsz, hogy lehetne már valamit csinálni akkor mindenki némán rád néz a főnök meg kidobat a teremből. Ezt egyébként imádják, mindig feltűrt inggel , hózentrogerban vannak az irodában és kávéznak. Komolyan mondom szerintem csak azért szálltak be a kolumbiai drogháborúba, hogy ingyen kávébabot lopjanak az irodába.
[They are as efficient as [any country's] public administration, they always deploy a truckload of people and cruise around as if they were important but nothing happens. They just talk and plan while half the city is taken apart by smalltime crooks and they blow up the other half. If you stand up to them demanding they do something, everyone stares at you and the boss has you thrown out of the room. They love this; they always linger around their offices with their sleeves rolled up and wearing suspenders and constantly drink coffee. I tell you they only got involved in the Colombian drug wars to steel free coffee beans for their office.]

(Typical FBI agents in B or "subprime" movies)


Don't vote!

This sure is one piece of advice I need to take. For all you Americans out there: I CAN'T VOTE! If I did, I'd be instantly deported for election fraud so stop trying to convince me otherwise. Please. :)


Random Run-ins

As you can imagine, the university itself is a huge park. It's of course full of squirrels. But it's quite surprising how these little rodents are not only not afraid of the giant humans walking around but try to play chicken with us. They lie down in the middle of the walkway and don't move until you almost step on them. Then they run like hell of course sometimes scaring me because I wouldn't even see them at first.

However it's not only the squirrels that are so brave. Apparently some people in this nation of cars were really persistent in using parking places they should have not. Thus the above sign.

And I guess now we all know what "good ol' G. W." will be up to after returning the keys to the White House.

Believe it or not, I took this picture in the University of Houston main library. Their DVD collection is rather small but still they found a way to honor the M4 under construction in Budapest. Or maybe they just loved the cover and wanted to see if the guy will actually be run over by the train. Anyway, they really have Kontroll on the shelf. (I wonder how many people have actually watched it so far... Probably more than L'auberge Espagnole, which they also keep on stock.)


Are you smarter than...

a 5th grader? I hope so. When it comes to law I quite possibly am. And this conviction has been confirmed when I got my first ever U.S. law school exam results back. This was in a class specifically for foreign lawyers trying to get a handle on the chaos they dare calling a legal system here, so I guess it wasn't as authentic as if I took it in any other class but still. It felt nice.

The troubling part was to see how much people have prepared and still ended up with a C or even C-. The prof constantly said everyone should prepare their outlines for each class in advance because it would be crucial when it comes to the test. (Of course we couldn't use them, as this was a closed book exam.) I suspect a lot of people have fallen behind with their outlines and instead of studying from the textbook they first rushed to finish their notes and then learned from those. In the meantime, I managed to read the book five times. They may have missed a whole lot of important parts in their papers and may also have misunderstood important concepts, which, in turn, they incorrectly studied from their papers.

I'm not much of an "outline guy" myself. I got through five years of law school with preparing no more than 3 outlines (as far as I can remember) two of which were for the final exams at the very end. (I simply didn't like the notes I managed to gather from other more diligent people.)

So, I'm anxious to see how many people will abandon their outlines. And how I will do on the REAL law school exams (and the one that I'll have at the business school with quite negligible background in economics.)

P.S.: I'll try to stop being such a nerd from now on. :)