The main form of transportation I used:

It really looks like in the movies. And this specific line, running all the way from outer Queens to almost the tip of Manhattan, was sometimes even scary. But of course nothing happened, even though sometimes I was the only white guy in the car, and possibly on the whole train.
But some of the stations had artwork the BKV and Zalakerámia should envy.

I think most of you recognize this lady. This was as close I could get to her, I simply did not have time to take a ferry. So I tried out the zooming function on my camera.

When I turned my back to the lady, there was this giant eagle.

I suppose all of you have seen similar photos. This is simply to prove I was there and there is always a crowd. I accidentally went there around 1am and the crowd was just ad big as in daylight. Apparently too many vampires live in NYC.

I was offered to go to this university instead of Houston. I hope Houston proves I should have no regrets...

New Yorkers should finally decide what their city is called. Or they should at least decide what name they put on their City Hall.

Yes, I almost went across it, but realized it was just too long to cross on foot.

For those of you who are Sex and The City fans, Park Ave really exists, West Side Manhattan really appears to be a fancy place to live and Madison Ave is packed with stores like this.

But they didn't seem to have the infamous four hundred dollar slippers.

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority also poses as the parents of all its underage users. In case the parents didn't teach this at home, the MTA comes to the rescue.

But sometimes they can be pretty generous. They simply let objects be. In fact, they require objects to be.

I found this on 5th Ave right next to Central Park. Couldn't make any sense of it. Perhaps children often run away to play in the middle of traffic. Or perhaps passengers in cars should not play this game insider the car.

Again, for those of you who are Sex and The City fans, this is a picture that often appeared in the series.

i found those slippers oh my :)
as for the train, i praise their sstem as there are no controllers...just gates and you can connect underground and walk even kilometers as they built it that way
they run all night$
True, nobody tries to block you from getting out of the station yelling "tiket, tiket! no tiket?" I always had a hard time trying to explain to foreigners that you need to purchase separate tickets for each line you use.
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